Renewable Energy

"Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises with transformative farming and technological innovations"
Glensaugh solar panels

Climate-positive farming seeks “negative emissions” through transforming

'Clean' energy production from renewables is a key component of the move towards net-zero.

Glensaugh has a wind turbine (50 kW) and solar PV panels (70kW), giving a combination of energy-sources that helps smooth out some of the seasonal and weather-related variability associated with both wind and solar.

Renewable energy production fits well in a farm system and can offset a high proportion of total energy requirements for electricity and heating.

Balancing energy supply and demand.

Intermittency of energy supply is still an issue with renewable energy systems, even where a combination of  renewable energy sources is available - throughout the year there will be times when production exceeds demand and when demand exceeds production.

Energy storage is therefore critical to be able to realise the full potential of renewables in a farm context. We are exploring energy storage solutions at Glensaugh and our primary focus is to assess the potential of green hydrogen in this respect. As well as its potential as a renewable energy storage medium for all electrical and heating requirements, it could also replace some or all of the hydrocarbons currrently used as farm-associated vehicle fuels.

Exploring new technological innovations - GREEN HYDROGEN - our HydroGlen project

Renewable energy technological innovations open up exciting new opportunities, and we are keen to test the potential of some of these in a farm context. Our HydroGlen green hydrogen project is doing just that and we are delighted to have been successful (October 2022) in our funding bid to the Scottish Government's Just Transition Fund for detailed design and construction, which is in progress, with planning permissions now granted and estimated build completion late 2025. For information about this project, please have a look at our HydroGlen Leaflet - and we will post updates on this linked page as the project progresses.

Our 2021 HydroGlen Feasibility Study (funded by the Scottish Government Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES)) modelled both on- and off-grid scenarios - if this is of interest please have a look at our Summary Report.

If you would like to work with us on any of these and other renewable technologies please get in touch.