Research Highlights

"Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises with transformative farming and technological innovations"
Measuring MOORCO expt trees

“…Woodland creation and integration with livestock systems, soil conservation, ecology, hydrology and water management, peatland restoration, natural capital / carbon accounting, renewable energy and associated innovations, land management, land use planning, farmer behaviours, rural development…”. 


Agroforestry is a land management system which combines livestock grazing and forestry - the old experimental system at Glensaugh has been in place since 1988; and the new one since 2023.
Check out our Climate-Positive Farming Reviews where expert scientists synthesise the latest science in key topic areas.
A dedicated data portal for Glensaugh was created by the James Hutton Institute as part of the Scottish-Government-funded Natural Asset Register.
We are assessing whether blanket bog restoration can aid in protecting or enhancing recovery from the impacts of nitrogen deposition.
FARM TREE: balancing farm and landscape-scale demands for integrating trees on agricultural landFARM TREE is funded by the UKRI Future of UK
Bringing in some of the available spatial data for the farm (and associated catchment where available), this interactive resource allows user-driven display and overlays.
This comprehensive analysis evaluates the impacts and dependencies of past, current and future farm management strategies through a natural capital lens.
This research is investigating how innovative grassland management, combining plant species diversification with rotational grazing, can reduce GHG emissions and produce multiple benefits for livestock, biodiversity and climate resilience.
This research compares the impacts of heather moorland managed by muirburn versus by brushcutting. This trial has focussed on studying early changes in carbon stocks, plant litter decomposition and soil nutrient availability.