Data Highlights

"Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises with transformative farming and technological innovations"

“…Woodland creation and integration with livestock systems, soil conservation, ecology, hydrology and water management, peatland restoration, natural capital / carbon accounting, renewable energy and associated innovations, land management, land use planning, farmer behaviours, rural development…”. 

Glensaugh has a fantastic collection of historical baseline data and scientific observation spanning many decades. In addition to the data repositories listed below, Glensaugh is also a national monitoring centre for the Environmental Change Network (ECN), Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System UK (COSMOS-UK), and the Defra Acid deposition (UKEAP) network.


A dedicated data portal for Glensaugh was created by the James Hutton Institute as part of the Scottish-Government-funded Natural Asset Register.

Bringing in some of the available spatial data for the farm (and associated catchment where available), this interactive resource allows user-driven display and overlays.