Out on the Farm - videos

"Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises with transformative farming and technological innovations"
Pine martin at Loch Saugh

'Join us' at Glensaugh through the audio-visual links on this page and find out about some of our research and management, or simply 'walk with Donald' as he goes about one of his tasks on the farm at different times of the year.  

We are at the early stages of building this resource, so watch this space for new additions!


Peatland Restoration | Action research in the Glensaugh Climate-Positive Farming Initiative
Glensaugh Climate-Positive Farming Initiative
Introduction to Glensaugh Research farm
Walk with Donald: summer morning at Glensaugh
Woodland research and management at Glensaugh
Glensaugh research farm: on-farm renewables and hydrogen storage
Pasture management at Glensaugh