Research Highlights

"Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises with transformative farming and technological innovations"
Measuring MOORCO expt trees

“…Woodland creation and integration with livestock systems, soil conservation, ecology, hydrology and water management, peatland restoration, natural capital / carbon accounting, renewable energy and associated innovations, land management, land use planning, farmer behaviours, rural development…”. 


Capturing carbon in soil is a frequent feature of climate change mitigation measures, but the variability in soils and greenhouse gas emissions makes it difficult to evaluate results.
This experiment is investigating whether increasing the number of plant species in grazed grasslands can help other biodiversity and increase the quality of the forage.
VisitGlensaugh is a scoping study accumulating understandings of what the farm has to offer consumers, tourists and other visitors by building on the Glensaugh story, past, present and future.